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Spelling Words:
Next Test will be ...
Spelling Words:
Spelling words:
* Words are posted on our class website
* Tested every 2 weeks (on a Thursday), test date is posted on the class website.
* Words will be introduced and discussed in class.
* Students are expected to practice the spelling words over the course of two weeks to get ready for the quiz on Thursday.
Students will be given a pre-test. If your child spells 17/18 or 18/18 of the words correctly, they have tested out of these words. They DO NOT have to take the spelling quiz. However, they will be tested on the spelling of our Empowering Words when we take the empowering words test. If your child does not pass the spelling pretest (they get a 16/18 or lower), they will not be graded on correct spelling of the empowering words. They will only be graded on the correct definition.